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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hey ho! I'm back after a mini hiatus (:

July has really been a helluva busy month for me. University camps, meetups with dear friends, final few driving lessons before the day of reckoning on 17th Aug, late night fun and supper, my Sister's convocation at NTU and shopping frenzy! It seems like the next two weeks will probably be equally as busy for me too with NUS Business O-week coming up later next week. Bah, I really have to find time to catch up with friends before the university term starts!

Anyway, I shall try to summarise the highlights of my week as short & sweet as possible. Haha... Pardon me if it ends up being really boring.

Well, Business FOC and Union Camp were quite an experience. Biz camp was by far much better than UC camp in term of games. But, the people I got to know from both camps were a fun bunch! Its quite amazing how so many friendships could be forged within such a short span of time. I really do hope once school starts, I will still be able to keep in contact with them though it would be pretty impossible. I'm glad that both my OGs of both camps made efforts to meet up even after the camp ended, especially the TITANS! Super GUNG-HO bunch, I like (: I'm still eagerly awaiting for my mahjong sessions with OG mates from Pharoides & Titans to transpire, although Ryan Peh did set one on 15/08. Don't know whether that would happen. Hahah...

Hmmm, I met up with my dear ol' girl friends. Of course that includes my most lovely besties, QIANLI & JOANNE (okay Rong Hui is included too, although he's not a she), my crazy St Margaret's gang (JIAQIAN, DEBBIE, SUETYI & LEONGPARN!) and not forgetting my gorgeous GOLDEN GIRLS (: I can't imagine what I would do without all you guys to brighten up my mundane life :D You are all the sunshine of my life okay.

Anyway, to see photos of my past few weeks, please go browse through my Flickr and Facebook account! (: I'm too lazy to upload them here because it is just too bloody cumbersome. Ahem hopefully, this will encourage some of you who have yet to get a Facebook account to get one RIGHT NOW!

I shall go think of some cheers and games for my O-week SHAN JI OG now. Ciao!

6:43 PM                                                                                                                                            

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The past and present week was & has been well... very productive for me! HAHA... Mahjong sessions, ktv-ing with OG & bestest friends, driving lessons, bad mambo night at Zouk, eating good food, shopping sprees... Same old stuff.

Another mahjong session coming up on Friday :) Let's hope I actually get to win some money this time!

Bah, this week is officially an insanely bad skin week for me. I think it must be my current diet that caused the growth of the two horridly hideous (note my alliteration :P) pimples on my forehead. Darn, any suggestions on how to get rid of them asap?

Oh, onto even more depressing news... FERNANDO TORRES IS MOVING TO LIVERPOOL! Crap, why? I would have much preferred him to continue playing in the La Liga. I think most players who move to play English soccer tend to under-perform? HAH...

My tuition kid aka Guan Wei's birthday and NUS Union Camp is coming up. Looks like a busy week for me again! GAH... This also means that my dearest QIANLI will be leaving Singapore soon! I realised thinking about her departure always gets me into a go-away-i-don't-want-to-be-disturb mood :(

10:13 AM                                                                                                                                            

Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm back from Biz camp and feeling deadbeat!

Does anyone out there have any face whitening products to recommend to me? I'm trying to get rid of the tan that I got over the last few days. HAHA!

Anyway, I just realised that this week will be a busy week for me. Hooray! At least I know I won't be bumming around and trying to kill time. Driving and spending time with my good ol' friends are seriously my favourite pastimes now.

I just realised that Facebook can be really addictive. HAHA! Gita is so right about that. To everyone out there, GO GET A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT and you'll know what I mean :)

12:51 AM                                                                                                                                            

Monday, June 18, 2007

Woah, how long has it been since I last came here? It seems like there really isn't much to talk about these days huh.

I'll be MIA for the next 4 days due to Biz camp. Gosh, when was the last time I attended a camp? Secondary 3?! HAHA, Oh well...

The good thing is that my dear QIANLI will be back from China soon, which means fun times and mambo soon :) Darn, I'll really miss her when she leaves for Boston.

My mom is thinking of going on a short holiday in July. I'm glad she's finally come to her senses that she needs a respite from work. Since it's an all-expense paid trip, I'm definitely all for it. Hmmm guys, any suggestions as to where to go? Korea, Taiwan, HK/Macau, China?

5:40 PM                                                                                                                                            

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I have been too busy and lazy to update tinseltassels. It doesn't help make it easier that I'm having a splitting headache as I'm typing this entry.

Anyway, I've decided not to take up the waitressing job at Brussels Sprouts. I just can't see myself slogging it off when I can be shopping or lazing around during the weekends. Hopefully, I'll be able to find some tuition kids this month to make up for the lost income.

Oh, I got a haircut at Next Salon in Holland Village. Its the shortest haircut I've gotten in a long long time. I like the ambience of the salon, very gothic! Anyway, if you want to see how it looks like, please ask me out! HAHA!

Qian will be leaving for Boston on 18th August! My driving test is on 17th August! It will totally be double the heartbreak if I fail my driving test the day before I send Qian off to Boston. How am I going to survive without her around? :( It was already quite a huge blow for me when Gita left for the States about 2 years ago, now this! Darn, I hate good-byes.

Oh well.. Onto my long overdue post about my EUROPE TRIP. So, Mixue, my Sis and I visited Italy, Switzerland, Germany (only briefly) and France. Like I said before, I'm so in love with Europe now, or maybe more like Switzerland and France :D I'm more in love with European guys. They are charming, charismatic, spontaneous, upfront and friendly. My kind of guy!

First off, Qatar - Very desert-like, at least around the vicinity of the Doha Interntional airport. Things were insanely priced over there. Qatarians must be really affluent. Perhaps, I'll actually get to visit the country in the future. Who knows?

Italy - I must admit Venice was a little disappointing. The gondola rowers tried to cheat us of the duration of our ride, but our tour guide managed to get us a compensation for us. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful city, but definitely not my honeymoon destination anymore. My impression of Rome is a city of many ruins. HAHA! Its just funny to see dug-up grounds and majestic ruins in the middle of the city centre. Stepping into the Vatican City was just simply mind-blowing. The intricate architecture and paitings of St Peter's Basilica was amazing. The Leaning Tower Of Pisa is such a work of art. I just wished we could have spent more time there! Milan was nothing great, didn't seem like the city of fashion to me. Siena and Florence, were by far, my favourite cities in Italy! Sublimely stunning and very romantic. I witnessed a couple of newly-weds taking their wedding photos in these cities. Hopefully, I'll be doing the same thing 10 years down the road :) Oh yes, I must add Italian gelato is cheap and yummy! I swear I can live on melon gelato for the rest of my life!

Switzerland - Switzerland, oh Switzerland. I love you! The land of many mountains, but it's actually pretty modern too! It's as clean and organised as Singapore! Lucern and Geneva were pretty. The three of us wrote our names the Keppell Bridge. The next time I go back to Lucern, i'm so going to find that spot! Rhinefall were pretty serene, although the size cannot be compared to the Niagara Falls, in Mixue's words. Did I mention that people earn big bucks over there. According to my guide, waitressing there can earn you CHF 2000-2500 a month, which is SGD2300++! Amazing! I went casino-crazy there, and ultimately lost money. But who cares, casinoes are just such a thrill! We went to this restaurant called Bebbie's at Interlaken. The owner (Bebbie, no prizes for guessing) was such a joker. He actually carried me around his restaurant. I shall not go into further detail, but all I can say is that he's crazily hilarious! Highlight of my stay in Interlaken: I TOOK A PICTURE WITH A LIFE-SIZE LEE DONG GUN CARDBOARD! Hmmm... It was a pity that I didnt get to see the top of Jungfrau from Jungfraujoch due to the blistering snow. Trummelbachfalle was pretty cool too. It's the only waterfall in the world that flows into a mountain. Hmm... I also got to experience snow weather up in a village called Leukerbad. It was pretty surreal, considering that it is summer. I was so not prepared for the cold weather in Switzerland. Let's just say all my clothes were all summer-friendly - tube tops, sleeveless dresses, you get the picture. I can't believe I survived with only 1 thin black cotton jacket throughout the whole trip. HAH!

Germany - It was pretty much touch and go here. I visited the Lake Titisee region which sells many cuckoo clock and ate a gnarly pork knuckle.

France - What more can I say about Paris that all of you already don't know? Effiel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, Notre Dame, The Lourve... It was the most bustling city I visited. In my opinion, it a very livable city because its developed, yet quaint at the same time. The only downside is that things are exhorbitantly priced there. The only things that are sold there that is cheaper than Singapore are probably LV and Gucci bags. The streets of Paris also have public toilet cubicles that resemble long metallic boxes. The funniest thing about these toilets are that the doors instantly open after 5 minutes, regardless of whether you having finished up with your business. HAHA! The Mona Lisa was also smaller than I expected, it was hard to get a picture of it taken as photo-taking was not allowed. Anyway, I did visit the Roland Garros Village for a short while. Damn, the rain totally ruined all my plans. Paris was actually much colder than expected. It was 4 degrees C on my first day there and 8 on the second. Grrr... Oh, during our drive into Dijon, everyone was so urgent for the toilet that the guys in the tour group actually peed by the bushes along the mountain roads. HAHA! Of course, the ladies didn't do that. Thank God I was not one of those who needed to pee badly. It must have been tormenting!

All in all, I had a wonderful experience. The tour group memebers, tour guide and our Slovenian bus driver were pretty fun people, which always helps to make the trip all the more pleasant. I also realised that Europeans love to drive SMART cars! They should bring it over to Singapore. Then, many people, like myself, would be able to afford to drive to school! HAHA!

Oh no. I miss Europe! I miss the architecture and scenary. I MUST go for an Exchange Programme to Switzerland or France and I'm aiming for the 2 semester ones. NUS, please choose me for the Language Preparation Programme!

I shall end off with some of the 3000++ photos we took during the entire trip. WARNING: PICTURE OVERLOAD!

ARGH! I desperately need to recuperate now. I'm off to sleep.


2:35 AM